Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg
FRThe Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg (UMR 7516 CNRS / Université de Strasbourg) is an Earth Science laboratory, where research is focused around numerous themes in geophysics and geology. The laboratory currently regroups 127 people, including 55 researchers and faculty staff, 20 engineers, technicians and administrative staff, and 52 PhD students and postdocs. A part of the research is linked to the activities of the observatories in geophysics at EOST (seismology, magnetism, gravimetry and geodesy) and the scientific services (RéNaSS, BCSF, RLBM), that allow to lead an efficient coupling between observation and research.
The main research activities are :
- the global dynamics, the internal structure of Earth and other planets, spatial and time-related potential field variations, lithosphere deformation, seismic fault mechanisms, and subsurface deformation.
- the study the interactions between the deep Earth and the processes active at the surface, linking tectonics (deformation, isostasy, exhumation…) and surface processes (erosion/sedimentation, climate forcing).
- the multi-scale imagery of geological structures, monitoring of fluid motion, formation and deformation of geological structures in reservoirs, and rheology of faults.
- the natural seismic sources and their resulting waves. It undertakes many methodological developments in both fundamental and applied research, allowing new insights to be obtained regarding various objects of study.