Laboratory for Sciences of Climate and Environment


Laboratoire des sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement is a large laboratory that pulls together researchers, technicians and engineers from CEA, CNRS and the Versailles-St-Quentin University.  It is located on the campuses of both the CEA-Orme des Merisiers and CNRS-Gif sur Yvette.  It is part of the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace that optimizes the work of several laboratories in the Paris area working in similar themes.  There are about 300 people working at LSCE, 150 of which hold permanent positions. LSCE is training about 15 PhD new students every year. This institute is strongly involved in national (14 ANR) and European (15) projects with coordination of 5 ERC grants and 2 Marie Curie fellowships. In 2016, LSCE published 300 publications of rank A, 30 % of these publications being above the 10% more cited in their respective domain. 

 Since January 2015, LSCE is organized around 3 main scientific themes that regroup 4 to 7 teams working on similar subjects or with the same tools:

  • Climate Archives and Proxies: the aim of this group is to understand the dynamics and the natural variability of climate and to evaluate the sensitivity of marine and continental environments to climatic and anthropogenic changes.
  • Biogeochemical cycles and transfers in the environment: the aim of this group is to quantify and understand recent evolution of greenhouse gases fluxes, aerosols and reactive gases as well as energy and water exchange from continental surfaces.
  • Climate and cycles: the aim of this group is to modeling the climate variability and the interactions within the Earth system.
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